How can I get to Tersane Istanbul?
Visitors should get on the IETT buses that are operated by the Metropolitan Municipality serving the area from the main hubs of Taksim and Eminonu and get off at Deniz Hastanesi Station or Yeni Çeşme Station. Search for the buses that serve these stations
Set your route on a navigation app for Tersane Istanbul.
A local ferry line will start serving Tersane Istanbul.
There will be a helipad on the ground. Arrivals should be coordinated with our Sales Office.
To contact the Sales Office:
How big is Tersane Istanbul?
Tersane Istanbul’s total plot area is 242,000 sqm
Open Spaces: 150,000 sqm
Coastline: 2 km
What are the working hours?
Tersane Istanbul will be a place you could visit around the clock, while our Sales Office currently works between 10:00 – 19:00.
What entertainment facilities are there for families? Is there any kindergarten where kids are attended by professionals?
A former slipway of the shipyard will be transformed into an open-air Family Fun Zone with several activities and workshops specifically designed for kids. Hourly kindergarten and nanny services for shoppers, as well as hotel and residence guests, will also be provided.
What cultural events may I attend at Tersane Istanbul?
Besides Sadberk Hanım Museum and the Museum of Women’s Culture, Tersane Istanbul will also have an Event Hall, an Open Air Concert Space and art galleries that will host several cultural events from art fairs, exhibitions and auctions to concerts and fashion festivals. If you would like to be informed by mail about the novelties and event calendar of Tersane Istanbul, sign up to our Newsletter
May I stay overnight at Tersane Istanbul? What accommodation types are offered?
Tersane Istanbul will feature 4 luxury hotels with a total of 1100 rooms that would cater to a wide array of needs and appetites, while providing solutions for travelers visiting the city for business, leisure, culture and health purposes.
What type of living units are provided?
Besides Lofts at Tersane, which will cater to a younger clientele with their sleek
design and neighborly vibe, waterfront yalı apartments and fully serviced
branded apartments will also be provided by the luxury hotels on the ground. To
get more information on living units,
click here.
May I obtain a Turkish passport if I buy an apartment at Tersane Istanbul?
According to the latest legal arrangements, everybody who meets the requirements and buys real estate with a price tag of 250,000 USD dollars will be entitled to a Turkish passport.
May I buy or rent an office at Tersane Istanbul?
You can choose to buy or rent a home office or an office unit that is specifically designed for start-ups and small ventures at Tersane Istanbul.
Please contact our Sales Office:
How can I buy or hire a retail space at Tersane Istanbul? How can I open a shop or restaurant?
How can I plan a special event at Tersane Istanbul?
To plan a special private celebration or a launching event for your brand, please write the details of the organization to the
information form
here and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
To contact our Customer Relations: